Soybean Cleaners: The Secret to Better Seed Quality and Higher Yields

4 February 2025

In the 2024/25 marketing year, global soybean production is expected to grow by 7%, according to World Grain. It’s no surprise—growing soybeans is one of the most profitable areas of agribusiness. Why?

  • Soybeans are resilient—they can yield twice in a single season.
  • They are less sensitive to market price fluctuations than crops like wheat.
  • Soybeans improve soil fertility, making it easier for other crops to thrive afterward.
Soybean Cleaners

A good harvest—and great profits—always start with high-quality seeds. And quality starts with proper post-harvest processing. Seeds processed with Metra grain cleaners achieve 98% uniform germination rates, setting you up for success.

The Keys to Quality—and How to Improve Them

Experts assess soybean quality using many criteria, including oil and protein content. However, when it comes to seeds for planting, there are six key parameters:

  • Purity
  • Health
  • Moisture content
  • Weight of 1,000 seeds
  • Energy for germination
  • Germination rates

Modern technology can directly improve the first four during harvesting and cleaning. Germination energy and rates, on the other hand, depend on factors like soil quality, microclimate, and fertilizers. Understanding these factors helps optimize planting rates per acre, reducing seed waste.

Purity: Why It Matters

Purity might sound simple: no weeds, dirt, or damaged seeds. However, traditional cleaning machines struggle with soybeans because they’re delicate, and excessive contact with mechanical parts can harm the seeds. For planting purposes, soybeans must remain undamaged.

Health: Protecting Your Harvest

Soybeans quickly absorb moisture from their environment—even morning dew can increase their water content. With up to 30% fat and 42% protein, soybeans naturally attract mold and fungi, which thrive in warm, moist conditions.

Planting even slightly infected seeds can lead to massive losses—up to 50% lower yields in some cases. Worse, if these seeds sprout, the resulting crops may be underdeveloped and low-quality.

Moisture Content: A Critical Factor

Whether your soybeans are for sale or planting, drying them immediately is essential. Leaving freshly harvested soybeans overnight is risky, especially if there was recent rain. Prompt cleaning and drying prevent bacteria from thriving and keep your soybeans fresh.

Seed Size and Uniformity

The larger and more uniform the seeds, the more productive and evenly germinating your next crop will be. A proper calibration ensures consistent sprouting across your fields.

Aerodynamic grain cleaniner

One Machine That Does It All

Given soybeans’ unique characteristics, choosing the right cleaning equipment is crucial. Aerodynamic grain cleaning, or cleaning with air, is the best solution.

Metra soybean cleaners combine multiple functions in a single machine, replacing up to three or four traditional devices in your production line. They:

  • Gently clean soybeans without damaging them.
  • Precisely calibrate, sort, and classify seeds.
  • Dry seeds by reducing moisture by up to 2% in a single pass.
  • Eliminate fungi like Vomitoxin (VOM), Fusarium (FUS), and Aflatoxin. Traditional sieve cleaners cannot separate infected grains, as they often match the size and density of healthy ones.

Metra machines sort soybeans into fractions based on density:

  • Heavy impurities
  • Whole seeds
  • Damaged seeds and husks
  • Light debris

Results That Speak for Themselves

These machines are also versatile—easily adjustable for other crops like wheat, oats, alfalfa, poppy seeds, or rapeseed.

“Metra soybean cleaners select the most biologically valuable and productive seeds. Soybeans processed with these machines achieve 98% germination rates, maximizing your yield potential” — Anna Smirnov, the Vice President of Metra.

Whether you run a large industrial elevator or a small family farm, Metra grain cleaners are designed to meet your needs.

Metra: The Right Choice for North Carolina Farmers

Investing in a Metra soybean cleaner is an investment in higher yields, healthier crops, and better profits. With Metra, you’re not just buying a machine—you’re securing your farm’s future.

Metra’s grain cleaning solutions are designed to tackle these common challenges, ensuring that small-scale farmers can maintain the highest standards of grain quality.

Contact us today to explore how our grain cleaning solutions can elevate your business

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